The arrival of a puppy in your home is an incredibly exciting time! Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or own multiple dogs, we have 5 tips to help train your puppy and help them settle into their new home! 

1. House Training 

After welcoming your puppy into your home, it’s important to establish a routine right away.  

Start by setting consistent times for meals, potty time, play time/exercise, and nap time. Keep in mind that during the early stages of house training, your puppy will probably take some time to adapt. Therefore, it’s crucial to create a well-attainable schedule that is manageable for you and your puppy’s needs.   

2. Crate Training 

Crate training is a great way to housebreak and provide your pup with a space where they feel safe. The crate is a valuable tool to teach pups to control their bladder. Slowly introduce the crate with treats and try to avoid using it as a punishment space. Make sure the crate you purchase has enough room for your pup to comfortably stand up, turn around, and lay down. 

3. Puppy Socialization 

Bringing your puppy to various environments and around other people and animals is crucial at an early age. Introducing your pup to new experiences helps prevent fear and anxiety your dog can develop later if not socialized. Arrange a playdate with other dogs or go to a brewery that allows dogs so your puppy can be well-adjusted in any environment. 

4. Obedience Training 

A well-behaved dog needs proper obedience training. Start with the basic commands, “sit”, “stay”, “come”, and “down”.  Puppies listen better when they are trained with positive reinforcement and treats. This will motivate them and have a positive experience training! 

5. Dog Training Classes 

If you find training to be overwhelming, consider enrolling your new pup in a training class to get them fully accustomed and listening at an early age. The certified dog trainers will be able to pinpoint what your pup needs and provide you with training plans.  

Congratulations on your new puppy!

We love ALL dog breeds at Prosper Insurance!  

We firmly believe that every pet owner deserves access to cost-effective and dependable home insurance, regardless of the type of dog they own. Prosper is dedicated to assisting pet owners in securing the appropriate insurance protection for their homes and their furry companions. 

Reach out to us today and allow us to help you secure the ideal home insurance coverage for you and your pet! Follow this link and choose home insurance – hit “Let’s Go” to retrieve your pet-friendly insurance quote or contact us at (757) 248-5973 to speak with one of our representatives